opinion-wg1: OPINION WG1: Theory

OPINION is a network of over a hundred and fifty researchers across and beyond Europe, who are interested in methods and tools for the study of opinionated text (www.opinion-network.eu). Within this network, the Theory working group will address the current lack of shared conceptualizations concerning the nature of opinions and their expression. We will bring together the necessary theoretical perspectives to foster the exchange of knowledge and develop a common understanding of opinions and their expressions in digital information environments, including journalism studies, discourse studies, media policy, political communication and information science. Building and disseminating an integrated terminology of opinion research and measurement and establishing the study of opinionated text as a vibrant field of research, we aim to enable inter-disciplinary research on opinions in the digital age.

OPINION is funded by COST (www.cost.eu/Actions/CA21129/) under the Horizon Europe research funding programme.