[etni] [FWD: Re: research on American immigrants to Israel]

  • From: ask@xxxxxxxx
  • To: etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 01:28:41 -0700

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 -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: Re: research on American immigrants to Israel
 From: "yafa" <yafakl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
 Date: Wed, June 16, 2004 9:19 pm
 To: ask@xxxxxxxx
 Dear American immigrant to Israel, 
   I'm putting up my request again and I hope even more people will get
 in touch. 
   I?m conducting a private research project on the topic of American
 immigrants to Israel who have been here from 5 years and up ? the
 longer, the better. I?ve been interested for a long time in who we are,
 what characterizes us, and how integrated we are and feel.
   The project includes answering a straightforward questionnaire, and
 taking part in a personal interview.
   If you?re interested in participating, please e-mail me at:
   Thanks very much ? 
   Yafa Kleiner Brandwein, recently retired English teacher and Teacher
 Trainer at Levinsky College, Tel Aviv.

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  • » [etni] [FWD: Re: research on American immigrants to Israel]