[etni] HOTS flowers or pictures

  • From: sara g <saragabai@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ETNI list <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 16:33:06 +0300

those of you who are my facebook "friends" might have noticed that every
friday i have been putting up a different picture of flowers, that is
connected to one of the HOTS. so far i have done 4 - compare and contrast,
point of view, sequencing and predicting. two other teachers have joined the
"game" and sent me pictures .
i started it as a fun thing for myself. but i think it could be developed
into a class activity - to review the HOTS before the D or F test, or even
as a summary of the log (if you have time.)

kids (probably in groups)  could find pictures (of a specific subject like
flowers or games, or just any picture ) and prepare a poster to present in
class. the poster could have one picture for one HOTS or a few pictures, for
different HOTS. they could explain why the picture represents the HOTS. or
you could have  a guessing game - what HOTS does this picture represent?

i don't think i will have time to do this in class this year. but if anyone
does try it (maybe those of you who have 5 hrs/wk,) i would love to hear how
it went.

                             sara g

sara g in israel
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  • » [etni] HOTS flowers or pictures - sara g