Re: [i3] Feature request: ion3-style "float split"

  • From: Eero Kari <ekari@xxxxxx>
  • To: i3-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 14:01:24 +0200

Hi Sylvain,

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 06:52:07PM -0500, Sylvain Benner wrote:

Hi Eero,

Why not use an horizontal layout and switch to full screen as needed ?

Because that usually causes the browser to rerender it's content. It may not
seem like a big deal, but when you're writing code with million things in your
head at once, and your split-second what-was-that-functions-third-keyword
-glance turns into where-the-hell-is-that-function and again

Here's an interactive demo of the phenomenon; point your browser to , start
resizing your browser back and forth and see how the lines fly to who knows
where :)

Another point in keeping your browser to a certain width instead of fullscreen,
is that text is easier to read if the page is narrower.

As my 1440x900 screen is too narrow to keep a browser and a terminal
side-by-side, and too wide to keep them both at fullscreen, the natural thing to
do here would be to make them overlap a bit so that they both feel just the
right size :)

Your use case feels weird to me, i3 is a windows tiling manager.

Le samedi 28 décembre 2013, Eero Kari a écrit :


the upcoming i3 layout restore feature almost completes my wishlist. The
thing lacking is the "float split" that ion3 had. I fired up notion just
to make
this 2-frame gif-animation showing the feature in action:

With the float split you could make two[1] containers overlap each other.
amount of overlap was controlled similarly as you would resize a window.
And the
layout stayed that way until changed it again.

I used to have firefox with docs on one side, and vim on the other. It
wonders for my productivity and I miss it sorely. With that implemented i3
be complete :)

So, I accept the feature either as built-in, or as a working script[2].
way is fine ;)

Thanks for the great wm!

- Eero

[1] or maybe even more, but I only ever used two.
[2] note that the containers overlap; a scripter couldn't get away with
resizing two side-by-size containers since it would trigger a redraw on the
clients and that would mess things up. A possible solution could be using
floaters and switching back and forth between them...


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