[Linuxtrent] DOMANI! Seminario Renzo Davoli a Povo

  • From: "Vincenzo D'Andrea" <vincenzo.dandrea@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 16:52:32 +0200

scusate - mi sono completamente dimenticato di far circolare questo
avviso per tempo...
spero che le persone interessate siano in grado di partecipare, domani alle 3.30


Free Software: what, how, when, and above all why - Information
Technology and Intellectual Property

date    Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 3:30 PM

place   Room 206 - Faculty of Science / Nuovo Edificio ITC-irst - Povo

speaker         Renzo Davoli (University of Bologna)

abstract        How to approach Free Software, how to preserve it from
extinction? What happened in the past, how it was born? How it is
evolving and what is happening right now, what are the latests events?
Why to use it, why to spread it? Why to develop it and, last but not
least, what are the reasons for studying it within a specific Master

Renzo Davoli is professor of Computer Science at the University of
Bologna. He teaches Operating systems, and Design of Virtual Sistems.
He has written several programs, Libraries and drivers, all released
as Free Software (GPL), many are included in the most important
official distributions of GNU/Linux. His current research is focused
on the Integration and Evolution of virtual systems. He is the
scientific director of the Master program in Science and Tehcnology of
Free Software in Bologna.

language        English


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