[projectaon] Another TMC idea, + more

  • From: "Thomas Wolmer" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:31:13 +0100 (CET)

Now let's see...


Happy New Year everyone!


I think it would be nice if we could include all the "Companion Postscript"
stuff from the newsletters in our edition of TMC. Possibly as an appendix,
but it would be even better to include the country descriptions together
with the others in the same category, etc. This would require some creative
layout work and such though.


What am I doing? Well, lately I have been having it very easy to find other
things to spend my time on, so I am mostly sitting standby. 04WotW and the
updates of the previous books now need:
a) More fault finding, especially 04WotW
b) Jon to review the proposed changes
Since another fault-finder/editor for 04WotW does not seem to want to pop
up, I think Jon should have a go at the changes list and then I update the
book and tell people to playtest it. This will mean more issues being
reported late in the process, but that is not such a big problem.

BTW, the coming week I will have plenty of free time. Make me use it :-)


Sol, I will write you a long email any day now :-)

Project Aon workbench: http://www.projectaon.org/~thomas/

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