Re: [yoshimi-user] Howto get yoshimi seen by seq24?

  • From: David Adler <>
  • To: yoshimi-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2010 02:51:06 +0100

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 2:20 AM, cal wrote:

On 27/11/10 12:14, David Adler wrote:
On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 1:31 AM, Brian King wrote:
I can't work out how to use yoshimi with seq24 via qjackctl :-(

Two midi systems (co)exist in Linux.
Accordingly, here are two tabs for midi connections in qjackctl.
One labelled 'MIDI' (handling JACK-midi connections) and one
labelled 'ALSA' (handling ALSA-midi connections).

Seq24 just supports ALSA midi.

Yoshimis has support for both, its default midi system is JACK midi.
Type 'yoshimi -a' to override this and invoke it using ALSA midi.

Since seq24 defaults to handling its midi connections internally,
it does not expose its ports in the ALSA tab.
Invoke it with 'seq24 --manual_alsa_ports' to override this behavior.

Now you should have both, seq24 and yoshimi, show up in qjackctls
ALSA tab, ready to be connected.

And that I think works as advertised, thank you David! That triggers a
vague recall that I used a2jmidid when I was playing about with seq24.
For dealing with the alsa midi only apps, a2jmidid is just excellent.

yes, using the excellent a2jmidid is another option. Its just that since
seq24 is restricted to ALSA midi, forcing yoshimi to use ALSA seems to
be convenient (no midi translation involved).
However, depending on what midi system is preferred by the user or the
majority of applications involved in a session, it may also be convenient
to use a2jmidid and do all connections within Jack.

A more detailed description of the two midi systems is here:

and, seq24 provides a configuration setting to always expose midi ports.
Set [manual-alsa-ports] to one in the ~/.seq24rc file.


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