[etni] Fwd: forms, forms, forms ...

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 15:42:32 +0200

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Esther Revivo <estherrevivo@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: forms, forms, forms ...

Nathan Singer's point does NOT make me feel any better.  Our yo'etzet
has been going bonkers over these forms, and the sad thing as that we
STILL have cases of pupils (for whom all these accommodations were
conceived in the first place,) being denied them!!

Then begins the merry-go-round of resubmitting other forms.. yada,
yada, yada ad nausea. I bend over backward for pupils with hatamot.
Girls have often come to my home to be tested matkonet-time,
especially those from Sederot who are all 'post stress syndromed' as
well as with hatamot. (Yep, I'm a glutton for punishment..... )

NOT to go into HOTS, but one comment: those of us who did the original
course know that however difficult the present program is (and it is
horrifically difficult in my ulpana simply because we don't have
enough hours to do 1/2 of what we need to accomplish,) the present
HOTS requirements are much more 'user friendly' than the original plan
was. And the TLC site is a treasure trove of ideas and material that
is extremely helpful.

If anyone honestly believed then at the height of the debate that even
the Irgun could have had the MOE dump a program into which thousands
of NIS were already invested, well that was naive. Thus I deduce that
here too, we can perhaps become an anarchistic 'Conquer Wall Street'
group and camp out at the MOE yelling slogans and standing on our
heads..... the fact remains that plebeians and peons remain plebeians
and peons and are not able to change decisions from 'upstairs.'

Hence, I believe (realistically speaking) that we all should, as
someone mentioned yesterday, write Ron Erez and demand remuneration
for the time these forms will take us to fill out. And in the
meantime? That's your choice!  I for one will NOT refuse to cooperate
because that would punish the very pupils who so need these hatamot.
But someone with better Ivrit than mine should write a letter of
complaint and enable us all to copy it. Let's bog down the powers at
be with paperwork-- our petitions and letters of complaint. ('Midah
kneged midah :)

On a philosophical note, we chutznikim all came here as idealistic
Zionists. Naive or not, I believe all of Am Yisrael whether left wing
or right; religious or irreligious, we are all true brothers and
sisters (who's souls were at Har Sinai together.) So although I may be
considered a 'friareet' by some, I believe with all my heart that it
is a mitzva to help others. And eventually in an entirely different
'upstairs' than the one mentioned earlier in this missive, all who do
chesed for others simply because we should do so, will get our just
reward.  Even skeptics will surely agree that after doing a good deed,
that warm, glowing feeling inside is itself a reward!!

Esther Revivo
Ulpanat Tzvia Sedot Negev

P.S. BTW, I did my B.A. thesis on the Rambam's Hilchot Tzedaka, and
the Rambam writes that we are equally required to do chesed and give
charity to people of other faiths, 'mi'pnei darkei shalom.' This our
nation does beautifully sending aid wherever in the world disaster

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