[etni] Fwd: kol ha'kavod

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 16:13:08 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Esther Revivo <estherrevivo@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: kol ha'kavod

(* ETNI note - The message that Esther is referring to - below - did
go through to the ETNI list early this morning as can be seen in the
ETNI archive:
But for some reason, this message, and three other messages, weren't
included in this morning's digest, apparently because of a bug in the
freelists system. We expect them to appear in tomorrow's digest.)

Ariellla, for some reason my ETNI post did NOT appear on the digest
and I am quite upset and disappointed. So I am hoping that what I am
writing here WILL be posted tomorrow! Kudos for your honesty about an
untenable situation. Many had envisioned such outside pressure
regarding the LOG. Personally, after 33 years in the field, and
surviving 16 principals, I lucked out with number 16 who is a great
educator and thus, we in our Ulpana would  never be put in the
horrific situation you now find yourself in.

My heart goes out to you!! At our school, in the Eng. room we have a
cupboard where we store our projects and where we plan to keep the
Logs. Does your Eng. staff not have such a 'luxury' as a cupboard for
which only you Eng. teachers have a key??? I wouldn't trust my pupils
to keep their Logs at home-- of course they'd get lost!

Regarding pupils who've not yet given in work, where is your rakezet
and the mechanecht? I assume that you've phoned the parents. Does your
principal not give support in instances like these? At our school we
morim mikzoi'im have to handle discipline problems and keep both
mechanecht / principal posted, but if a kid had still handed in
NOTHING since/ from a previous year.... that would be a reason to have
meeting with the principal, mechanechet and pupils' parents together.
No go? Get Avi involved. About knuckling under and being pressured
into accepting work not done last year..... No way Jose!!!!  You must/
deserve support from both staff and hanhala. You sound like the
Americans surrounded at the Alamo. (Non-Americans, google it! :)

Please get in touch with Avi and let him "go to bat" as you put it!
I'm sure HE'LL give you the needed backup you need. Additioinally, in
our school no pupil would be allowed to do a module without the
teacher's approval, regardless of the fact that the program is still
not mandatory! What a chutzpa! Your principal sounds like a real SOB.
(This is ETNI so that reads Son Of a Bat :)

Please keep us posted as this is a test case for many other schools
doing the LOG and everyone will want to know how things work out!
Sending you a virtual hug and hope you can hang in there.

All the Best- Esther Revivo

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