[etni] Fwd: password for MOE site

  • From: ETNI list <etni.list@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Etni <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 16:17:18 +0200

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Esther Revivo <estherrevivo@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: password for MOE site

Dear Renee and others employed by non- MOE organizations: You should
know that even if your employer did know how to get you a password
into that web site, they might prefer you NOT get in to check their
divuchim. They may be diddling with your salary!

I worked for 30 years under MOE and left on early pension and am
presently employed by another organization as are about 1/3 of my
staff. (Will not name which; don't want to get sued.) I retired at the
same time as another colleague, who worked 35 years for this other
place. I never realized how good I had it, with everything clear and
above-board at the MOE. My friend meanwhile had such heartache! While
I automatically got every penny I deserved, she had to bring in her
brother a certified CPA, and threaten a lawsuit in order to acquire
things the law requires a retiree receive. She started getting chest
pains and in the end gave in on some issues. (The irgun did NOT 'go to
bat' for her the way they should have.)

There've been horror stories at my school about teachers not getting
Shanot Gil unless they asked for it and other pay issues. I post this
for one reason alone: If you are non-MOE, have someone at the Irgun/
Histadrut check your payslip once a year or so to see you're getting
everything you're entitled to. That is, unless you are one of that
rare breed who understands the lingo on your payslip without

Good luck Renee!
Esther Revivo

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