[opendtv] Re: Canada Says "OK" to HD Radio

  • From: John Golitsis <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 11:16:52 -0500

It's simple really, and something I had pointed out from the very beginning. Almost all of our major-brand electronics come from the factory as "North American" models. There was just no way that Panasonic, for example, was going to make a model unique for Canada that had a DAB tuner it (and 120V). The cost of producing such a thing would have been exorbitant. So, we ended up with several off- brand products, none of which worked very well by all accounts.

On 8-Jan-07, at 11:03 AM, Manfredi, Albert E wrote:

I'm still unclear why DAB is having a hard time of it.

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