[slikom] Re: Nezeljena posta !!!

  • From: "jelena" <jnp506909@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:31:26 +0200

U nastavku je tekst o tome kako se u Outolku prave pravila ili filteri.
Tekst je na Engleskom.
rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans
Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fmodern\fcharset238{\*\fname
Courier New;}Courier New CE;}}
deflang2074\pard\plain\f2\fs20 subject: [JFWlite] Message Rules in Outlook
par Date: utorak 04, novembar 2003 05:14
par >From your in-box, (not in an open message), press alt-t, then r for
rules, and
par press enter.  That will put you in message
par rules.  Tab over to new. and press enter.
par You're in a column of things to trigger the rule.  Pick the ones you
par For example:  If you want to sort out messages from a particular
par list, look for "where the to or CC line contains people".  "People" just
par means character string.  Press spacebar on the items you want checked.
par Tab again and you are in a column of actions such as delete the message,
par forward it, or move it to a folder.  Press spacebar on the action you
want to
par do.
par Tab again and you're where you pick the names of people and folders.
par down once and press enter and you will be where you can type in the
string you
par want Outlook Express
par to use.  Enter it.  Tab to add.  Press enter.  Tab to ok and press enter
par again.
par Now you're back at the name picking column again.  Cursor down twice and
par enter.  This puts you in the folders list.  You can pick
par one or make a new one.  If you decide to make a new one, make it at the
par above where you want it to show up.  After picking or entering it
par tab to ok and press enter.
par Tab again.  You're now at the rule naming area.  There's a default name,
par as Message rule 4.  If you type in a rule name you'll remember, it will
par you find it next time.  Type in the name you want and tab to ok and
par press enter.  You're done.
par Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
par }

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