[slikom] TextPal 3.0 released

  • From: "Gradimir Kragic" <bastono@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Lista SliKom" <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:56:49 +0100

     Zdravo svima,

Ovo je poruka za one koji koriste editor TextPal. Pojavila se nova verzija, 
3.0. Download preko web portala slikom. Adresa: http://www.slikom.org/down/ 
a o novinama u produzetku ove poruke. Tekst je na Engleskom jeziku.


Od: "Jamal Mazrui" <empower@xxxxxxxxx>
Tema: TextPal 3.0 released

Version 3.0
Released January 17, 2007

The optional JAWS scripts have been revised to improve continuous reading
with the SayAll command of JAWS 8 -- though delays may still be noticeable
in large files.  Fixed problems related to the setting that makes TextPal
re-open files from the end of the previous session.  Fixed TextPal going
to a bookmark when the open file dialog is cancelled.

  Made the sentence reading commands, Alt+RightArrow and Alt+LeftArrow,
consider paragraph breaks as well as certain punctuation symbols to be
ends of sentences.  Modified the Replace with Regular Expression command,
Control+Shift+R, to be case sensitive, thus allowing more precise search
terms.  The regular Replace command, Control+R, still ignores case.

Although the TextPal program group includes a shortcut for .txt file
association, the standard file association mechanisms of Windows Explorer
or My Computer may now be used as well, e.g., the Open With command from
the context menu, or the File Types dialog from the Tools/Folder Options
menu.  This permits extensions other than .txt to be associated with
TextPal.  Extensions TextPal recognizes -- like .pdf or .ppt -- would then
automatically be converted to text when opened.  Other extensions that are
essentially text format may also be convenient to associate with TextPal,
such as programming code in .cs (C Sharp) or .py (Python) files when
TextPal is being used as a code editor.

If TextPal  does not appear in the list of programs to associate with an
extension, choose the Other button and then specify the full path of the
executable file TextPal.exe.  Its default location is
C:\Program Files\TextPal\TextPal.exe

Technically, this executable is just a loading mechanism for the Ruby
language interpreter for Windows, rubyw.exe, together with a parameter for
the script file to be executed, TextPal.rbw.  The TextPal.exe wrapper
simplifies the command line for running TextPal, making it launch like
other, stand-alone Windows applications.  The TextPal installer also
defines the name TextPal.exe as an alias for its full path in the Windows
registry.  This allows the name to be recognized by the Windows Run
command, and to be used as the editor setting within file mannager
programs like PowerDesk, ExplorerPlus, or FileDir.

The Settings dialog, Alt+S, now lets you configure the format of the
current date and time spoken by Alt+Semicolon or inserted by
Control+Semicolon.  The default format produces text like the following:
Monday, January 15, 2007 at 6:54 AM

This is produced by the following expression:
%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p

You can change the date/time format with (Ruby language) tokens described
as follows:
%a = abbreviated weekday name, e.g., Sun
%A = full weekday name, e.g., Sunday
%b = abbreviated month name, e.g., Jan
%B = full month name, e.g., January
%c = preferred local date and time representation
%d = day of month, 1 - 31
%H = hour of day, 24-hour clock, 0 - 23
%I = hour of day, 12-hour clock, 1 - 12
%j = day of year, 1 - 366
%m = month of year, 1 - 12
%M = minute of hour, 0 - 59
%p = Meridian indicator, AM or PM
%S = second of minute, 0 - 60
%U= Week number of current year, starting with first Sunday as first day
of first week, 0 - 53
%W = week number of current year, starting with first Monday as first day
of first week, 0 - 53
%w = day of week, where Sunday is 0, 0 - 6
%x = preferred representation for date alone, no time
%X = preferred representation for time alone, no date
%y = year without century, 0 - 99
%Y = year with century
%Z = time zone name
%% = literal % character

Updating TextPal has become more convenient.  Use the Elevate Version
command, F11, to download and install the latest version.  You are
prompted for confirmation.  The installer is downloaded to the
TextPal/Download folder -- also used by the Web Download command,
Alt+Shift+W.  At other times, the new Alt+F11 key may be used to easily
open that folder in Windows Explorer for managing files there.  The
current TextPal version is then unloaded so that the installer can replace
any files that were in use.  You can reload the updated version in the
usual manner after installation, e.g., by pressing Alt+Control+T.


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  • » [slikom] TextPal 3.0 released