[slikom] Re: Win 7 i muke

  • From: "Dragan Selenic" <d.selenic@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 23:45:54 +0100

zdravo Jelena

Ispod ovih redova je kopija poruke s "razbijaca".Mozda ce ti pomoci. I ja sam 
zainteresovan za informacije u vezi windowsa7.

     Evo ga prevod na Indijanski

      1. PC Zaštitne 
      Ja rijetko neka svatko koristiti svoj PC jer bojim da će to zabrljati 
gore, ali 
      Čini Microsoft je misleći na mene pa je došao sa rješenje. PC 
      ne dopustite nikome nered Vaše postavke PC-u, jer nakon što korisnik 
      konfiguracije su nanovo naoštriti leđa to normalan. Naravno, to neće 

      konfiguracije promijenio od vas, ali samo oni učinjeno od strane drugih 
korisnika te 
      Da biste koristili PC Zaštitne, otiđite na Control Panel -> User Accounts 
i stvoriti nove 
      račun, a zatim odaberite "Postavljanje Pc Zaštitne" i to uključili. Tada 
      opušteni kad drugi koriste vaše računalo, jer nećete naći ništa 
      promijenilo, uključujući konfiguracije, softver preuzimanje datoteka, 
Installer plan. 
      2. Screen Kalibracija 
      Srećom, Windows 7 dolazi sa zaslona čarobnjaka koji vam omogućuje 
      postavite svjetlinu zaslona ispravno, tako da nećete imati nikakvih 
      fotografija ili teksta. Problem je bio da se na jednom PC-foto bi moglo 
izgledati i oštar 
      svijetle i na drugoj to izgleda grozno. Sada se problem može biti čvrst 
      Win tipku, a zatim upišete "DCCW". 
      3. AppLocker 
      Ako ste obično dijele vaše računalo s nekog drugog, onda možda 
      žele ograničiti njihov pristup svoje aplikacije, datoteke i dokumenti. 
      AppLocker alat, imate nekoliko mogućnosti za napraviti ovaj blokiranjem 
      korisnicima pristup Izvršne, Windowsi Instalater, skripte, specifičan 
      ili put. Možete jednostavno možete učiniti tako da pritiskom na tipku 
Windows onda tipkati 
      Gpedit.msc. Onda otiđite na Computer Navigation -> Windows Settings -> 
      -> Application Control Policies -> AppLocker. Pravo kliknite na jednu od 
      opcije (Izvršne, Instalater, ili skripte) i stvoriti novo pravilo. Da 
      spasiti od puno glavobolje. 
      4. Burn Images 
      Mi smo svi imali problema sa slikom gori u sustavu Windows, jer to ne 
      sama, biće potrebno standalone softver. Sa Windows 7 to neće biti 
      problem anymore. Sve što trebate učiniti je dvokliknuti ISO sliku i spali 
      ga na CD ili DVD koji je umetnut u pogon. 
      5. Prikaz Empty Removable Drives 
      Windows 7 neće prikazivati prazan Pogoni po defaultu, pa ako se spojite 
      pogon na svoje računalo, ne brinite, samo idite na Tools -> Folder 
Options -> View 
      ne da nadzirati "Sakrij prazne diskove u računalu mapu". To se ne čini 
      dobra ideja i to ne bi trebao biti zadana postavka, jer će biti teško za 
      neiskusne korisnike to shvatiti. JA kladiti se puno korisnici će se 
      novo kupljen disk misleći da je slomljen. 
      6. Dock Trenutni Windows na lijevu stranu ekrana 
      Ova nova značajka čini korisno, jer ponekad je uznemirujuće da prozori 
      Čini se da plutaju kao lud na zaslonu i teško ih pričvrstiti na jedan 
      strana od Internet. Sada to lako može učiniti pomoću tipkovnih prečaca. 
      Windows tipka + lijeva tipka na to pristati na lijevoj strani ekrana. 
      7. Dock Trenutni Windows na desnu stranu ekrana 
      Pritisnite tipku Windows + Desna tipka na to pristati na desnoj strani 
      8. Prikaz ili skrivanje Explorer Pregled ploča 
      Pritisnite ALT + P to sakriti a zatim još jednom da biste ga prikazali. 
      9. Prikaz gadgeti na iznad ostalih prozora 
      Pritisnite ALT + G 
      10. Pozadina Photo Slideshow 
      Ako ste poput mene, lijeni i dosadno, onda te htijenje ištanje to 
      pozadina s vremena na vrijeme, gubit puno vremena. Sada ne morate 
      više, jer možete postaviti slideshow. Pravo kuckati na temelju desktop 
      otiđite na Personalize -> Radna površina Pozadina i držite tipku CTRL dok 
      slike. Zatim možete odabrati vremenskih intervala između slike i opirati 
      ih prikazati nasumično ili u nizu. 
      11. Make Taskbar Manji 
      Ako se osjećate kao traka koristi previše Vašeg prostora na zaslonu, 
      odabrati da bi ikone manje. Da biste to učinili, desnom tipkom miša 
kliknite na Start 
      zatim idite na Properties -> Traka sa zadacima i zalazak Internet to "Use 
small icons" 
      12. Kombinirajte Taskbar Icons 
      Kada ste više prozora ili aplikacija otvorena, programskoj traci prostor 
      neće biti dovoljno za sve njih, tako da ćete trebati da ih kombinirati, 
baš kao što bi 
      u sustavu Windows XP ili Vista. Da biste to učinili, desnom tipkom miša 
kliknite Start gumb, onda otiđite na 
      Nekretnine -> Traka sa zadacima i provjeriti "Kombinata taskbar kad je 
      13. Multi-navojem File Copy 
      Ako ste napredniji korisnik, ste čuli već o Robocopy. Now it's 
      uključeni u Windowsima 7 i omogućuje vam da obaviti multi-navojem kopija 
      komandna linija. Možete odabrati broj teme kao što je ovaj "/ MT [: d], 
      može biti 1-128. 
      14. Maksimiziraj ili Vratiti prednji prozor 
      Pritisnite Windows Key + Gore Ključ. 
      15. Minimiziraj Aktivni prozor 
      Pritisnite Windows Key + Down Ključ 
      16. Aktivirajte Quick Launch Toolbar 
      Quick Launch Toolbar-unutra Windowsi XP unutra Vidik čini jako dobra 
ideja da se 
      možete propustiti kada koristite Windows 7. Srećom ipak, možete ga dobiti 
      brzo u nekoliko koraka. Desnom tipkom miša kliknite programsku traku, 
otiđite na Alatne trake -> New Toolbar 
      i upišite "% UserProfile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Internet 
Explorer \ Quick 
      Launch " 
      u mapu okvir, a zatim pritisnite Odaberi mapu. Da bi izgledao kao da će 
      U Windowsima Vidik, pravo kliknite programsku traku, ne da nadzirati 
"Zaključaj programsku traku, a zatim 
      desni klik i šestar nadzirati "Naslov Show" i "Show Text". Zatim desno 
      kliknite trake i kliknite na "Prikaži malih ikona" i te bi trebao biti 
      17. Pregled fotografija u Windows Exploreru 
      Dok se u Windows Explorer, pritisnite ALT + P i pregled trebao bi se 
pojaviti na 
      18. Desktop Povećalo 
      Pritisnite Windows Ključ i Plus Ključ za povećavanje ili Windows Ključ i 
      Minus Ključ za smanjenje. Možete zumirati bilo gdje na radnoj površini, a 
možete čak i 
      Vaše povećalo. Možete odabrati invertni boje, slijedite pokazivač miša, 
      slijedite tipkovnica fokus, ili točku umetanja teksta. 
      19. Minimiziraj sve osim Trenutni prozor 
      Pritisnite Windows Key + Home Key. 
      20. Rješavanje problema Power Management 
      Windowsi 7 mogu vam reći koliko snage vaš sustav koristi ili pružaju 
      informacije o korištenju energije i probleme uzrokovane svaki zahtjev i 
      Na ovaj način možete optimizirati put je vaša baterija koristi, što je 
      duže. Pritisnite Windows Ključ i tip "PowerCfg-ENERGY-OUTPUT 
      <path\filename> ", 
      i to će stvoriti datoteku pod nazivom energije report.html u mapu 
      vi, nakon promatranja računalo za 60 sekundi. 
      21. Web Searches from tvoj radna površina 
      Windows 7 omogućava pretraživanje za on-line izvori, dodajući da je 
      se skinuti besplatno. Na primjer, idite na 
      i preuzimanje Flickr konektor. Nakon toga, trebali biste vidjeti Flickr 
      Pretraživanje u mapi pretraživanja i moći ćete to učiniti izravno iz 
      desktop, bez potrebe da posjetite njihovu web stranicu. 
      22. Add Video To Your Start Menu 
      Ako ste bili u potrazi za brži put to pristup tvoj video, a zatim Windows 
      ima pravi odgovor za vas. Pravo klik Početak gumb, onda otiđite na 
      -> Start Menu -> Customize i zalazak Video za "otkriti kao vezu" i da ste 
      učinio, sada ćete ih naći u Start Meni. 
      23. Shift Prozor Iz jednog monitora na drugi 
      Ako koristite dva ili više monitora, onda te moć ištanje to premjestiti 
      Windows iz jedne u drugu. Postoji vrlo jednostavan način da to učinite. 
Sve vas 
      učiniti je pritisnuti Windows Key + Shift Key + lijevo ili desno Ključ, 
ovisno o 
      monitor ono što želite premjestiti. 
      24. Custom Power PC Gumb 
      Postoji mogućnost da zamijeni "Shut Down" gumb sa drugim akcije, ako se 
      te rijetko pričepiti dolje računalo, ali češće to ponovno pokretanje ili 
ga staviti 
      na spavanje. Pravo kliknite gumb Start, idite na Properties i odaberite 
      'Power Boot Akcija "učiniti sve što želite, iz navedenih opcija. 
      25. Lako Dodaj novi font 
      Dodavanje novog fonta to je sada lakše nego ikad. Pravedan preuzimanje 
      želite, dvaput kliknite na nju i te bi trebao vidjeti uvesti koga u 
službu gumb. 
      26. Stretch prozor okomito 
      Možete protežu aktivni prozor okomito na prikaz maksimalna visina 
      pritiskom Windows + Shift + Up Keys. Pritisnite Windows + Down tipke, ako 
      to vratiti. 
      27. Otvorite Windows Explorer 
      Pritisnite sustava Windows + E Tipke za otvaranje nove instance programa 
Windows Explorer. 
      28. Napravi novu instancu Prva ikona na programskoj traci 
      Pritisnite Windows + 1 Tipke za otvaranje novog primjer prve ikone u 
      traka. To bi moglo pokazati stvarno korisna u nekim okolnostima. 
      29. Windows Action Center 
      Windows Action Center nudi vam važne informacije o računalu, kao što 
      Antivirus status, obnove, za rješavanje problema i daje kopija 
      značajka. To pristup Internet, otiđite na Control Panel -> System i 
sigurnost -> Akcija 
      30. Windows platforma za rješavanje problema 
      Ova platforma može vam pomoći riješiti puno pitanja koja vas svibanj 
susreta, kao što 
      internet priključak, hardverskih uređaja, loše performanse sustava i još 
mnogo toga. Ti 
      možete izabrati ono što otkloniti i to će doći s nekim mogućim 
      objašnjenja za problem koji zaista mogu pomoći. Ima puno 
      smjernice i informacije dostupne tamo, tako popuštanje Internet probati 
      "Rješavanje problema" ili "popraviti" nakon pritiska Windows Ključ. 
      31. Otpustiti Sistem Obavijesti 
      Sustav obavijesti su obično uznemirujuće i nisu uvijek korisno, tako da 
      možda želite uključiti neke od njih i off. To se može učiniti u 
Windowsima 7 od 
      klikom Obavijest Područje ikona in Control Panel. Tamo možete promijeniti 
      obavijesti i ikone za Action Center, mreža, Svezak, Windows 
      Aplet Tray Media Center, Windows Update Automatic Updates. 
      32. Otpustiti Security Poruke 
      Za isključivanje sigurnosnih poruke morate ići na Control Panel -> System 
      Sigurnost -> Akcija Centar -> Promjena Akcija Centar za Postavke, a 
možete uključiti 
      od sljedećih obavijesti: Windows Update, internet sigurnosne postavke, 
      Network Firewall, Spyware i zaštita u svezi, Korisnik Račun Ugovor, 
      Zaštita, Windows Backup, Windows rješavanje problema, ček za obnove. 
      33. Ciklus Kroz otvorene programe Preko Taskbar's Peek Izbornik 
      To utvrde pravedan sličan Alt + Tab, ali otvara izbornik odmah iznad 
      ne čini jako korisno. Dajte ga probajte pritiskom Windows Key + T. 
      34. Pokreni program kao administrator 
      Jednostavno možete pokrenuti program kao administrator pritiskom na Ctrl 
+ Shift 
      dok je otvaranje. 
      35. Isti program Windows Switching 
      Ako imate više instanci programa trčanje, jednostavno držite Ctrl dok 
      klikom na ikonu i ona će ciklus kroz sve instance. 
      36. Auto Rasporedi Desktop Icons 
      Sada možete zaboraviti na desni klik -> Auto organizirati. Sve što morate 
      je držati F5 pritisne za malo i ikona htijenje auto organizirati. 
      37. Šifriranje Removable USB-Pogoni 
      Šifriranje USB voziti nikad nije bilo lakše. Sada možete pravo kliknite 
      removable disk, a zatim na "Turn on Bitlocker". 
      38. Otpustiti Smart Window Aranžman 
      Ako vam se ne sviđa Windowsa 7 u novim značajkama koje organizirati vaš 
      inteligentno, postoji jednostavan način da biste ga isključili. 
Pritisnite Windows Ključ, 
      tip "regentstvo", 
      Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop i skup 
      WindowArrangementActive do 0. Nakon što ponovno podizanje sustava tvoj 
sistem pametna 
      dogovori će biti okrenut 
      39. Create System Repair Disk 
      Windows 7 mogućnosti alat koji vam omogućuje stvaranje bootable System 
Repair Disk 
      koja uključuje i neke alate i sustav naredbeni redak. Za stvaranje, 
      Windows Ključ i tip "sistem utočište disk". 
      40. Hard-Link migracije Store 
      Hard-Link migracije dućan je dostupan samo za nova računala, a mogu 
      seliti datoteke, postavke i korisničke račune. Novi Hard-Link migracije 
      koristi više manje disk prostora i potrebno manje vremena. 
      41. Otpustiti 'Pošalji komentar' 
      Trenutnu beta verziju Windowsa 7 je sve o povratne informacije od svojih 
      test, ali ako mislite da ste uznemireni to, postoji način da ga 
      Windows Ključ i upišite "regedit", a zatim idite do HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ 
      Panel \ Desktop i FeedbackToolEnabled postaviti na 0. Nakon ponovnog 
      ne bi trebao biti tamo više. Također, ako ga želite ponovno uključiti, 
      FeedbackToolEnabled do 3. 
      42. Poboljšani kalkulator 
      Windows 7 značajke poboljšane kalkulator koji može biti obaviti pretvorbu 
jedinica, datum 
      obračun, plin kilometraža, najam, i hipoteka. Također možete birati 
      Znanstveni, Programer, statistiku i kalkulator. 
      43. Otvori mapu u novi postupak 
      Windows 7 otvara sve mape u istom procesu, kako bi ste sredstva, 
      ali to znači da ako jedne mape ruši, sve one nesreće. Dakle, ako se 
osjećate kao 
      to je 
      rizik ne morate uzeti, onda ste ih otvoriti sve u svoje 
      procesa. Da biste to učinili, pritisnite i držite Shift, desnom tipkom 
miša kliknite pogon i "Otvori u 
      Procesa ". Sada ćete biti sigurni. 
      44. Problem Korak Recorder 
      Snimač Problem korak je odličan alat koji se može koristiti u više 
      okolnostima. Možete ga uključiti pritiskom na Windows Ključ, onda tipkati 
      i pritisnite Record. Sada će bilježiti sve vaše pokrete te ih spremiti 
kao HTML 
      dokumentu koji možete pogledati ili pisati opise za njega. To vam može 
      rješavanje problema ili prilikom pisanja vodstvom ili tutorial. 
      45. Free Codecs Pack 
      Nažalost, Windows Media Player još uvijek nije u stanju igrati mnoge 
audio i 
      video datoteke, tako da će i dalje trebati neki codec. Ali sa slobodnog 
      možete skinuti 
        ne biste trebali imati nikakvih problema. 
      46. Pokrenite Windows Explorer from Moj Računalo 
      Windows Explorer otvara knjižnice u imenik po defaultu. Većina od nas su 
      se vidi Moj Računalo umjesto stranici. Da biste ga promijeniti u My 
Computer, zatim pritisnite 
      Windows Ključ, a zatim upišite "Explorer", odabran Svojstva i na prečac 
      kartica tipa "% SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe 
      / root,:: (20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D) ". 
      Sada imate na desnom tipkom miša kliknite explorer ikona na programskoj 
traci i pritisnite "raskovati 
      ovaj program iz trake ", a zatim ga povucite natrag iz Start Jelovnik. 
      47. Clear Desktop 
      Ako ima previše prozore na desktopu, možete ga vedro trese 
      prozor s lijeva na desno i svi ostali će smanjiti. Da biste vratili druge 
      prozori imate tresti aktivni opet. 
      48. Koristite gadgeti Sa UAC isključen 
      Možda ste primjetili da jednom kada otpustiti UAC ne možete koristiti 
      više, kao mjera sigurnosti. Ali ako želite da rizik ih koristeći, tamo 
      put za napraviti, čak i sa UAC isključen. Pritisnite Windows Ključ, tip 
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ 
Sidebar \ Settings 
      i stvoriti DWORD vrijednost naziva AllowElevatedProcess i zalazak svoj 
vrijednost to 1.. 
      Sada biste trebali biti u mogućnosti koristiti gadgete. Ako nije, onda 
ponovno podizanje sustava tvoj računalo i 
      te bi trebao biti učinjeno. 
      49. Škripac Media Player & Media Center MP3 Bug 
      Oba Windows Media Player i Windows Media Center dolaze s kukac koji može 
      šteta tvoj MP3s popunjavanjem nedostaje metapodaci automatski na uvozne 
      To može smanjiti nekoliko sekundi od početka staze i može dokazati 
      stvarno uznemirujuće. Ovaj problem je bio fiksni mimo Microsoft koristeći 
škripac nalazi 
      50. Traži Sve u vaš računalo 
      Windows 7 nudi mogućnost da se traži sve vrste datoteka, uključujući i 
      one i to bi moglo pomoći u nekim slučajevima. Iako to nije preporučljivo, 
      to je puno sporije nego normalno za pretraživanje, možete popuštanje 
Internet probati mimo događaj 
      sljedeće: Pokrenite Windows Explorer, idite na Tools -> Folder Options -> 
      i ček 
      "Pokušajte pretražiti sadržaj nepoznata vrsta datoteka". Ako ne treba 
      više, ne zaboravite da je jasno na povećanje brzine. 
      51. Gestikulacije mišem 
      Windows 7 je ne samo donio geste za one koji se koristi zaslon osjetljiv 
na dodir 
      uređaja, ali za miša korisnik previše. Dakle, umjesto desnom tipkom miša 
kliknete traku 
      ikona to 
      pristup skok popisu, možete držati lijevom tipkom miša i povucite prema 
gore kako bi glatko 
      ga pozvati. Osim toga, klikom i povlačenjem prema dolje u adresnoj traci 
      Istraživač će otvoriti povijest pregledavanja. Tu bi moglo biti još više 
      nisu otkriveni. 
      52. Konfiguracijski Tvoj Ljubimac Glazba 
      Ako ste već fiksne Windows Media Center, sada možete misliti 
      načine kako poboljšati vaše iskustvo s njom. Media Center stvara popis 
      pjesme na temelju koliko često ih igrati, svoje ocjene i datum koji ste 
      njima. Ako vam se ne sviđa način na koji su ga osmišljenog, promjena 
      način se razvrstava svoje favorite koje će se do Zadataka -> Postavke -> 
Glazba -> 
      Favorite Music. 
      53. Otpustiti Recent Search Queries Prikaz 
      Windows 7 drži i pokazuje nedavne upite pretraživanja po defaultu. To 
      često pokazati da je iritantan. Nema potrebe da iako stres jer se može 
      Pritisnite Windows Ključ, upišite gpedit.msc, zatim idite na User 
Configuration -> 
      Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer i 
      kliknite na "Isključi prikaz zadnjih pretraga entries". 
      54. Advanced defragmentaciju diska 
      Srećom, Windows 7 nudi puno bolje nego defragmentaciju Vista 
      također vam omogućuje da konfigurirate ga malo iz naredbenog retka. To 
učiniti, pritisnite 
      Tipku, a zatim upišite CMD. Te može defragmentirati vaš hard disk iz 
      linija tako što upišete "prevariti" i imate sljedeće opcije: / r će se 
      Pogoni istovremeno,-obavlja analizu prevariti,-v ispisuje 
      izvještaj,-r tretira datoteke s najmanje 64 MB ulomaka poput nisu 
      sve će se prevariti. Primjer je "prevariti C:-v-w" kako prevariti cijeli 
      drive C. 
      55. Izraditi Internet Explorer 8 Load Brže 
      Ako želite da Internet Explorer 8 za učitavanje brže, morate onemogućiti 
      dodati-ons taj ga usporiti, pa idite na Tools -> Manage Add-ons te 
      load time 
      za svaki. Možete izabrati za sebe one koje može živjeti i bez 
      one koje će povećati brzinu učitavanja. 
      56. Media Center automatskog preuzimanja 
      12 Windows Media Center omogućuje vam raspored podataka downloads, tako 
da se može 
      učinjeno bez tebe smeta. To učiniti, otići do Zadataka -> Settings -> 
General -> 
      Automatsko Preuzmite Opcije i možete ga konfigurirati pokrenuti i 
      preuzeti kadgod želite. 
      57. Ukloni Sidebar 
      Windows 7 se ne čini da lik Sidebar više, ali to još uvijek postoji 
      i radi u pozadini, biće pokrenuta automatski prilikom pokretanja. Dakle, 
      ištanje da biste dobili osloboditi od Internet, postoje dva načina. Lakše 
neki je da pritisnete 
      Windows Ključ, tip msconfig.exe, kliknite karticu Pokretanje i jasna 
      Teško način je da pritisnete tipku Windows, upišite "regedit", naći i 
      Registry ključ u 
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ 
      To vam može uštediti neke RAM konzumira bez koristi. 
      58. Volumen ugađati 
      Don't you like that Windows 7 automatski smanjuje volumen kada je 
      otkriva PC poziva? Možete isključiti ovu značajku desnim klikom 
      govornik ikona 
      na programskoj traci, otići u Sounds -> Communications i dobili 
osloboditi od Internet. 
      59. Pokreni program kao drugi korisnik 
      Windows 7 dolazi uz mogućnost da pokrenete program i kao 
      administrator ili drugom korisniku, pravo kuckati na temelju određeni 
član izvediv ili 
      prečac držeći 
      Shift tipku. Onda morate izabrati "trčanje kao drugi korisnik. 
      60. Koristite Virtual Hard Disk Files 
      Sada možete stvoriti i upravljati virtualnim tvrde diskove kartoteka u 
Windowsima 7, kao da 
      oni su bili pravi disk. To može dopustiti vam korištenje sustava Windows 
živ instalacije 
      virtualni disk bez potrebe za dizanje virtualnog računala. Za izradu 
      virtualni disk morate pritisnuti Windows Ključ, desnom tipkom miša 
kliknite na Computer, 
      go to Manage -> Disk Management -> Akcija -> Create vhd. Tu možete 
      odredite položaj i veličinu vaše virtualni tvrdi disk file. 
      Da biste priložili datoteku virtualni disk, pritisnite Windows Ključ, 
desnom tipkom miša 
      Računalo, a zatim idite na Manage -> Disk Management -> Akcija -> Priloži 
vhd i 
      navesti mjesto i ako je to samo čitati ili ne. 
      Za inicijalizirati virtualni tvrdi disk, pritisnite Windows Ključ, 
pravo-kuckati na temelju 
      Computer, otiđite na Manage -> Disk Management -> Akcija -> Attach vhd, 

      lokacije, kliknite U redu, zatim desni klik na virtualni disk i kliknite 
      Initialize diska. Odaberite particiju stil koji želite koristiti, a zatim 
      desni klik 
      na neraspoređenog prostora i kliknite na "New Simple Volume" i slijedite 
      upute čarobnjaka. Sada, novi hard disk pojavljuje se u Windows Explorer i 
      ga koristiti kao pravi particija. 
      61. Premeštanje Windowsi Živ Glasnik kartica in Traka sa zadacima 
      Da biste dobili osloboditi od Windows Živ Glasnik karticu i stavite 
natrag u sustav 
      pladanj, gdje i pripada, otiđite u C: \ Program Files \ Windows Live \ 
      desni klik 
      msnmsdgr.exe i zalazak svoj način kompatibilnosti s Windows Vista. 
      62. Lock Screen 
      Nema gumb Zaključaj zaslon in Početak Meni više, tako da ćete morati 
      pritisnite Windows Key + L to lock, sada. Čini se lakše, u slučaju da ne 
      63. Screen Lock Stvoriti Prečac 
      U slučaju da se ne sviđa shortkeys ili vas držati ih zaboravljanja, tu je 
      drugu opciju za zaključavanje ekrana. Jednostavno stvoriti nov prečac do 
      C: \ Windows \ system32 \ RunDll32.exe 
      User32.dll, LockWorkStation i stavite ga kad god želite. 
      64. Ovlastiti Trčanje Naredba unutra Start Jelovnik 
      Ako vam nedostaju stari Trčanje Naredba gumb na XP, onda postoji 
mogućnost da se 
      ga natrag u Windowsima 7. Desnom tipkom miša kliknite otvoreni prostor u 
Start Menu, idite na 
      -> Start Menu -> Customize i kliknite na "Run Command. Sada biste trebali 
biti učinjeno. 
      65. Poboljšati Desktop Window Manager za NVIDIA grafika 
      Ponekad animacije za Desktop Window Manager ne izgledaju jako dobro i 
      nisu dovoljno glatke i to je razlog zbog Desktop Window Manager 
      efekti bez transparentnosti i zamućivanje, ali je možete isključiti 
      za ugodniji grafike. Pritisnite Windows Ključ, desnom tipkom miša 
kliknite na Computer, 
      idite na Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Performance -> 
Settings i 
      jasno "Animate windows kada minimiziranje i maksimiziranje". Klik U REDU 
to Finski. 
      66. Chanel Propust Spasiti Kartoteka Za Lokacija 
      Windows 7 je malo drugačiji od Vidik, jer štedi dokumenti, 
      Slike, videa i glazbe iz javne mape unutar C: \ Users. Ti 
      možda ne želite 
      za spasiti tvoj dokumenti, slike, video ili glazbu na ovoj lokaciji, već 
      kreirati vlastite lokacije i to možete napraviti vrlo jednostavno. 
Pritisnite za sustav Windows 
      Kliknite na svoje ime i dvaput kliknite na mapu koju želite promijeniti. 
      vidjet ćete Uključuje: 2 lokacije knjižnica. Kliknite na taj tekst, 
kliknite desnom tipkom miša 
      na mapu koju želite postaviti kao default i kliknite "Set as default 
      lokacije ", a zatim kliknite U redu. 
      67. Napraviti 64bit Windows Media Player Propust (samo za korisnike X64) 
      Windowsi dogoditi se s 32bit inačici media player po defaultu. Ako ste 
      x64 korisnik, možete zadržati sustav čistač samo instalirate jedan set 
      Da biste to učinili, pritisnite Windows Ključ, upišite "command", 
pravo-kuckati na temelju Odzivni 
      Brz i hit "trčanje kao Upravnik", zatim upišite "unregmp2.exe / SwapTo: 
      da, pritisnite Windows Ključ, upišite "regedit", idite na 
      HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ App Paths \ 
wmplayer.exe \, 
      duplo kliknite na vrijednosti i promjene 
      "% ProgramFiles (x86)" u "% ProgramFiles%". Sada biste trebali biti 
pomoću 64bit 
      Windows Media Player. 
      68. Otvori višestruke instance programa Windows Explorer Preko Traka sa 
      Ako želite pokrenuti više instance programa Windows Explorer samo od 
      startbar, možete to učiniti na sljedeći način: raskovati Windows Explorer 
      Traka sa zadacima, a zatim pritisnite Windows Ključ, idite na Pomagala, 
desnom tipkom miša 
      Windows explorer, otiđite na svojstva i promjene prečac put do 
      % SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe 
      / root,:: (20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D) (ako želite da se zadani 
      na My Computer) ili% SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe 
      / root,:: (031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5) 
      (Ako želite da se zadani Knjižnice). Sada repin Windows Explorer 
      tvoj Traka sa zadacima i gotovi ste. Sve što je potrebno za otvaranje 
      to je samo jedan klik od srednje tipke miša. Ako niste zadovoljni 
      ono što ste učinili, promijeniti put natrag na prečac 
      % SystemRoot% \ explorer.exe. 
      69. Make Sistem Pladanj Clock Show AM / PM simboli 
      Prema zadanim postavkama Windows 7 'pokazivanje vremena u 24-satnom 
obliku, tako da ako želite 
      dobiti AM / PM simbola, pritisnite Windows Ključ, tip intl.cpl otvoriti 
      i jezične odrednice, idite na Zbrajanje Settings -> Vrijeme u kojem je 
postavljen Long Time 
      u HH: mm i promijenite ga u HH: mm tt, na primjer, gdje je TT AM ili PM 
      simbol (21:12 PM). Da biste ga promijeniti u 12-satni oblik, morate ga 
      ovako hh: mm tt (9:12). 
      70. Internet Explorer 8 načinu kompatibilnosti 
      Ako vaše web stranice ne čine ispravno, možda ćete morati omogućiti 
      Explorer 8 ih prikazati u prikazu kompatibilnost. Ovo je pitanje zbog 
      renderiranje motor, koji uzrokuje puno problema. To učiniti, otvorite 
      Explorer, go to Tools -> kompatibilnost Pogledaj Postavke i kliknite na 
"Prikaži sve 
      web stranice 
      u kompatibilnost pogled ", a zatim kl iknite U redu. 
 > Croatian-AfrikaansAlbanianArabicBelarusianBulgarianCatalanChinese 

> From: gasicd@xxxxxxxxx
> To: razbijaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Razbijaci] Re: 70 korisnih trikova za Win7
> Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 13:26:42 +0100
> Zdravo svima! 
> Osim ovih 70 trikova, cini mi se da sam video i neke precice za win 7, ali 
> sad ne mogu da nadjem tu poruku nigde, ili je to bilo vise poruka... u svakom 
> slucaju imam jednu molbicu, ako neko vec ima pri ruci sabrana dela svih 
> precica za win 7, da to prosledi.
> Hvala u napred! 
> Dejan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: razbijaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:razbijaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
> Behalf Of Dalibor Savić
> Sent: petak, 23. oktobar 2009 23:31
> To: razbijaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Razbijaci] Re: 70 korisnih trikova za Win7
> Jel bi mogla da se nađe neka dobra duša da ovo prevede na srpskohrvatski ili 
> hrvatskosrpski jezik, mislim da je ovo jako korisno a da mi koi malo manje 
> vladamo svetskim jezikom nemožemo to na najbolji način da iskoristimo 
> Unapred hvala D
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ivan Ilic" <vidimte@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <razbijaci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 1:26 PM
> Subject: [Razbijaci] 70 korisnih trikova za Win7
> 70 trikova koji mogu biti od pomoci.
> 1. PC Safeguard
> I rarely let anyone use my PC because I'm afraid he will mess it up, but it 
> seems Microsoft has been thinking at me and came with a solution. The PC 
> Safeguard
> doesn't let anyone mess your PC settings, because after the user logs off, 
> the configurations are reset back to normal. Of course it will not restore 
> the
> configurations changed by you, but only the ones done by other users you 
> define.
> To use PC Safeguard, go to Control Panel -> User Accounts and create a new 
> account, then select "Set Up Pc Safeguard" and switch it on. Then you can 
> stay
> relaxed when others use your computer, because you won't find anything 
> changed, including configurations, downloaded software, installed programs.
> 2. Screen Calibration
> Fortunately, Windows 7 comes with a display calibration wizard that lets you 
> set up the screen brightness properly, so you won't have any problems 
> viewing
> photos or text. The problem was that on one PC a photo could look sharp and 
> bright and on another it looks awful. Now the problem can be fixed by 
> pressing
> the Win key and then typing "DCCW".
> 3. AppLocker
> If you are usually sharing your computer with someone else, then you might 
> want to restrict their access to your applications, files or documents. 
> Using
> the AppLocker tool, you have a few options to do this by blocking other 
> users to access Executables, Windows Installers, Scripts, a specific 
> publisher
> or path. You can simply do this by pressing the Windows key then typing 
> Gpedit.msc. Then go to Computer Navigation -> Windows Settings -> Security 
> Settings
> -> Application Control Policies -> AppLocker. Right click on one of the 
> options ( Executables, Installers, or Script ) and create a new rule. That 
> should
> save you from a lot of headaches.
> 4. Burn Images
> We all had trouble with image burning in Windows, because it couldn't do it 
> itself, a standalone software being needed. With Windows 7 this will not be
> a problem anymore. All you have to do is double-click the ISO image and burn 
> it on the CD or DVD that's inserted in the drive.
> 5. Display Empty Removable Drives
> Windows 7 will not show empty drives by default, so if you connect an empty 
> drive to your PC, don't worry, just go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View 
> and
> uncheck "Hide empty drives in the computer folder". This doesn't seem like a 
> good idea and it should not be default setting, because it will be hard for
> inexperienced users to figure it out. I bet a lot of users will return their 
> newly bought drive thinking it's broken.
> 6. Dock The Current Windows To The Left Side Of The Screen
> This new feature seems useful because sometimes it's disturbing that windows 
> seems to float like crazy on the screen and it's hard to attach them to one
> side of it. Now this can easily be done using a keyboard shortcut. Press the 
> Windows key + Left key to dock it to the left side of the screen.
> 7. Dock The Current Windows To The Right Side Of The Screen
> Press the Windows key + Right key to dock it to the right side of the 
> screen.
> 8. Display Or Hide The Explorer Preview Panel
> Press ALT + P to hide it then once again to display it.
> 9. Display Gadgets On Top Of Other Windows
> Press ALT + G
> 10. Background Photo Slideshow
> If you are like me, lazy and bored, then you will want to change the 
> background from time to time, wasting a lot of time. Now you don't have to 
> do this
> anymore, because you can set up a slideshow. Right click on the desktop then 
> go to Personalize -> Desktop Background and hold the CTRL key while choosing
> the images. Then you can choose the time intervals between images and opt to 
> display them randomly or in a row.
> 11. Make The Taskbar Smaller
> If you feel like the taskbar is using too much of your screen space, you can 
> choose to make the icons smaller. To do this, right-click on the Start 
> button,
> then go to Properties -> Taskbar and set it to "Use small icons"
> 12. Combine Taskbar Icons
> When you have more windows or applications opened, the taskbar's space might 
> not be enough for them all, so you need to combine them, just like you would
> in Windows XP or Vista. To do this, right-click the Start button, then go to 
> Properties -> Taskbar and check "Combine when taskbar is full".
> 13. Multi-threaded File Copy
> If you are a more advanced user, you've heard already about Robocopy. Now 
> it's 
> included in Windows 7 and lets you perform multi-threaded copies from the
> command line. You can choose the number of threads like this "/MT[:n], which 
> can be from 1 to 128.
> 14. Maximize Or Restore The Foreground Window
> Press Windows Key + Up Key.
> 15. Minimize The Active Window
> Press Windows Key + Down Key
> 16. Activate The Quick Launch Toolbar
> The Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows XP in Vista seems a very good idea that 
> you might miss when using Windows 7. Fortunately though, you can get it back
> in a quick few steps. Right click the taskbar, go to Toolbar -> New Toolbar 
> and type "%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick 
> Launch"
> into the folder box, then click Select Folder. To make it look like it would 
> in Windows Vista, right click the taskbar, uncheck "Lock the Taskbar", then
> right click the divider and uncheck "Show Title" and "Show Text". Then right 
> click the taskbar and check "Show Small Icons" and you should be done.
> 17. Preview Photos In Windows Explorer
> While in Windows Explorer, Press ALT + P and a preview should appear on the 
> right.
> 18. Desktop Magnifier
> Press the Windows Key and the Plus Key to zoom in or Windows Key and the 
> Minus Key to zoom out. You can zoom anywhere on the desktop and you can even 
> configure
> your magnifier. You can choose to invert colors, follow the mouse pointer, 
> follow the keyboard focus, or the text insertion point.
> 19. Minimize Everything Except The Current Window
> Press the Windows Key + Home Key.
> 20. TroubleShoot Power Management
> Windows 7 can tell you how much power your system uses or provide detailed 
> information about the power usage and issues caused by each application and 
> device.
> This way you can optimize the way your battery is used, making It last 
> longer. Press the Windows Key and type "POWERCFG -ENERGY -OUTPUT 
> <path\filename>",
> and it will create a file called energy-report.html in the folder specified 
> by you, after observing your PC for 60 seconds.
> 21. Web Searches From Your Desktop
> Windows 7 lets you search for online resources, by adding a connector that 
> be downloaded for free. For instance, go to 
> http://www.bizzntech.com/flickrsearch
> and download the Flickr connector. After that, you should see the Flickr 
> Search in your searches folder and you will be able to do it directly from 
> your
> desktop, without needing to visit their website.
> 22. Add Videos To Your Start Menu
> If you were looking for a faster way to access your videos, then Windows 7 
> has the right answer for you. Right click the Start button, then go to 
> Properties
> -> Start Menu -> Customize and set the Videos to "Display as a link" and 
> you're 
> done, you will now find them in the Start Menu.
> 23. Shift The Window From One Monitor To Another
> If you are using two or more monitors, then you might want to move the 
> Windows from one to another. There is a very simple way to do it. All you 
> have to
> do is press the Windows Key + Shift Key + Left or Right Key, depending on 
> what monitor you want to move it to.
> 24. Custom Power Button
> There is an option to replace the "Shut Down" button with another action, if 
> you rarely shut down the computer, but you more often restart it or put it
> on sleep. Right click the Start Button, go to Properties and choose the 
> 'Power Boot Action" to do whatever you want, from the given options.
> 25. Easily Add A New Font
> Adding a new font it's now easier than ever. Just download the font you 
> want, double click it and you should see the install button.
> 26. Stretch The Window Vertically
> You can stretch the active window vertically to the maximum display height 
> by pressing the Windows + Shift + Up Keys. Press Windows + Down Keys if you 
> want
> to restore it.
> 27. Open Windows Explorer
> Press The Windows + E Keys to open a new instance of Windows Explorer.
> 28. Create A New Instance Of The First Icon In The Taskbar
> Press Windows + 1 Keys to open a new instance of the first icon in the 
> taskbar. This could prove really useful in some circumstances.
> 29. Windows Action Center
> Windows Action Center offers you important information about your PC, like 
> the Antivirus Status, updates, troubleshooting and provides a backup 
> scheduling
> feature. To access it, go to Control Panel -> System And Security -> Action 
> Center.
> 30. Windows Troubleshooting Platform
> This platform can help you solve a lot of issues you may encounter, like the 
> internet connection, hardware devices, poor system performance and more. You
> can choose what to troubleshoot and it will come with some possible 
> explanations for the problem that might really help you. There are a lot of 
> options,
> guidance and information available there, so give it a try by typing 
> "troubleshoot" or "fix" after pressing the Windows Key.
> 31. Turn Off System Notifications
> System notifications are usually disturbing and aren't always useful, so you 
> might want to turn some of them off and. This can be done in Windows 7 by 
> double
> clicking the Notification Area Icons in Control panel. There you can change 
> notifications and icons for the Action Center, Network, Volume, Windows 
> Explorer,
> Media Center Tray Applet, Windows Update Automatic Updates.
> 32. Turn Off Security Messages
> To turn off security messages you have to go to Control Panel -> System and 
> Security -> Action Center -> Change Action Center Settings and you can turn
> off the following notifications: Windows Update, Internet Security Settings, 
> Network Firewall, Spyware and related protection, User Account Control, 
> Virus
> Protection, Windows Backup, Windows Troubleshooting, Check for updates.
> 33. Cycle Through The Open Programs Via The Taskbar's Peek Menu
> This works just like Alt + Tab, but opens the menu just above the sidebar, 
> doesn't seem very useful. Give it a try by pressing The Windows Key + T.
> 34. Run A Program As An Administrator
> You can easily run a program as an administrator by pressing Ctrl + Shift 
> while opening it.
> 35. Same Program Windows Switching
> If you have more instances of a program running, simply hold Ctrl while 
> clicking on its icon and it will cycle through all the instances.
> 36. Auto Arrange Desktop Icons
> You can now forget about the Right Click -> Auto arrange. All you have to do 
> is hold F5 pressed for a bit and the icons will auto arrange.
> 37. Encrypt Removable USB Drives
> Encrypting an USB drive has never been easier. Now you can right click on 
> the removable drive and then on the "Turn on Bitlocker".
> 38. Turn Off Smart Window Arrangement
> If you don't like Windows 7's new features that arrange your windows 
> intelligently, there's an easy way to turn it off. Press the Windows Key, 
> type "regedit",
> go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and set 
> WindowArrangementActive to 0. After you reboot your system the smart 
> arrangements will be turned
> off.
> 39. Create A System Repair Disc
> Windows 7 features a tool that lets you create a bootable System Repair Disc 
> that includes some system tools and the command prompt. To create it, press
> the Windows Key and type "system repair disc".
> 40. Hard-Link Migration Store
> The Hard-Link Migration store is only available for new computers and can 
> migrate files, settings, and user accounts. The new Hard-Link Migration 
> Store
> uses more less disk spaces and takes less time.
> 41. Turn Off 'Send Feedback'
> The current Beta version of Windows 7 is all about feedback from its 
> testers, but if you feel disturbed by it, there is a way to turn it off. 
> Press the
> Windows Key and type 'regedit', then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control 
> Panel\Desktop and set FeedbackToolEnabled to 0. After you restart the 
> computer, it
> shouldn't be there anymore. Also, if you want to turn it on again, set the 
> FeedbackToolEnabled to 3.
> 42. Improved Calculator
> Windows 7 features an improved calculator that can do unit conversion, date 
> calculation, gas mileage, lease, and mortgage. Also you can choose between 
> Standard,
> Scientific, Programmer, and Statistic calculator.
> 43. Open A Folder In A New Process
> Windows 7 opens all folders in the same process in order to save resources, 
> but this means if one folder crashes, they all crash. So if you feel like 
> that's
> a risk you don't have to take, then you have to open them all in their own 
> processes. To do this, hold down Shift, right-click the drive and "Open in 
> New
> Process". Now you will be safe.
> 44. Problem Step Recorder
> The Problem Step Recorder is a great tool that can be used in more 
> circumstances. You can turn it on by pressing the Windows Key, then typing 
> "PSR.exe"
> and click Record. Now it will record all your moves and save them as a HTML 
> document that you can view or write descriptions to it. This can help you 
> with
> troubleshooting or when writing a guidance or tutorial.
> 45. Free Codecs Pack
> Unfortunately, Windows Media Player still isn't able to play many audio and 
> video files, so you will still need some codecs. But with the free codecs 
> pack
> you can download
> here
> you shouldn't have any problems.
> 46. Start Windows Explorer From My Computer
> Windows Explorer opens in the Libraries directory by default. Most of us are 
> used to see the My Computer page instead. To change it to My Computer, press
> the Windows Key, then type "explorer", select Properties and in the Shortcut 
> tab type "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe 
> /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}".
> Now you have to right-click the Explorer icon in the Taskbar and hit "Unpin 
> this program from the taskbar" and then drag it back from the Start Menu.
> 47. Clear The Desktop
> If there are too many windows on the desktop, you can clear it by shaking a 
> window from left to right and all others will minimize. To restore the other
> windows you have to shake the active one again.
> 48. Use Gadgets With UAC Turned Off
> Maybe you noticed that once you turn off UAC you can't use the gadgets 
> anymore, as a security measure. But if you want to risk using them, there a 
> simple
> way to do it, even with UAC turned off. Press the Windows Key, type 
> 'regedit', 
> go to 
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Sidebar\Settings
> and create a DWORD value named AllowElevatedProcess and set its value to 1. 
> Now you should be able to use your gadgets. If not, then reboot your PC and
> you should be done.
> 49. Fix The Media Player & Media Center MP3 Bug
> Both Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center come with a bug that can 
> damage your MP3s by filling missing metadata automatically on imported MP3 
> files.
> This can cut a few seconds from the beginning of the tracks and can prove 
> really disturbing. This problem was fixed by Microsoft using the fix located
> here.
> 50. Search Everything In Your Computer
> Windows 7 offers the possibility to search all file types, including unknown 
> ones and this could help you in some cases. Though it is not recommended, 
> because
> it's much slower than normal search, you can give it a try by doing the 
> following: Launch Windows Explorer, go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View 
> and check
> "Try to search the content of unknown file types". If you don't need it 
> anymore, don't forget to clear it for an increase in speed.
> 51. Mouse Gestures
> Windows 7 has not only brought gestures for those who use touchscreen 
> devices, but for mouse users too. So, instead of right-clicking a Taskbar 
> icon to
> access the jump list, you can hold left-click and drag upwards to smoothly 
> call it up. In addition, clicking and dragging down the address bar in 
> Internet
> Explorer will open the browsing history. There might be more gestures yet 
> not discovered.
> 52. Configure Your Music Favorites
> If you've already fixed the Windows Media Center, now you might think of 
> ways to improve your experience with it. The Media Center creates a list of 
> favorite
> songs based on how often you play them, your ratings and date you've added 
> them. If you aren't comfortable with the way they thought it out, change the
> way it sorts your favorites by going to Tasks -> Settings -> Music -> 
> Favorite Music.
> 53. Turn Off Recent Search Queries Display
> Windows 7 holds and displays the recent search queries by default. This can 
> often prove to be irritating. No need to stress though because it can be 
> disabled.
> Press the Windows Key, type gpedit.msc, then go to User Configuration -> 
> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Explorer and 
> double
> click on "Turn off display of recent search entries".
> 54. Advanced Disk Defragmentation
> Fortunately, Windows 7 offers much better defragmentation than Vista and 
> also lets you configure it a bit from the command line. To do it, press the 
> Windows
> Key and then type CMD. You can defragment your hard disk from the command 
> line by typing "defrag" and you have the following options: /r will defrag 
> multiple
> drives simultaneously, -a performs a defrag analysis, -v prints the 
> report, -r treats files with at least 64 Mb of fragments like are not 
> fragmented, -w
> will defrag everything. An example is "defrag C: -v -w" to defrag the whole 
> drive C.
> 55. Make Internet Explorer 8 Load Faster
> If you want Internet Explorer 8 to load faster, you need to disable the 
> add-ons that slow it down, so go to Tools -> Manage Add-ons and check the 
> load time
> for each one. You can choose for yourself the ones you can live without and 
> ones that would increase the load speed.
> 56. Media Center Automatic Download
> Windows Media Center 12 allows you to schedule data downloads, so it can be 
> done without disturbing you. To do it, go to Tasks -> Settings -> General ->
> Automatic Download Options and you can configure it to start and stop the 
> download whenever you want.
> 57. Remove The Sidebar
> Windows 7 doesn't seem to feature the sidebar anymore, but it still exists 
> and runs in the background, being launched automatically at startup. So if 
> you
> want to get rid of it, there are two ways. The easier one is to press the 
> Windows Key, type MSCONFIG.EXE, click the Startup tab and clear the Sidebar 
> box.
> The hard way is to press the Windows key, type "regedit", find and delete 
> the registry key at 
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
> This can save you some RAM consumed with no use.
> 58. Volume Tweaking
> Don't you like that Windows 7 automatically reduces the volume when it 
> detects PC calls? You can turn off this feature by right-clicking the 
> speaker icon
> in the taskbar, go to Sounds -> Communications and get rid of it.
> 59. Run A Program As Another User
> Windows 7 comes with the possibility to run a program both as an 
> administrator or another user, by right clicking on the executable or 
> shortcut while holding
> down the Shift key. Then you have to select "Run as another user".
> 60. Use Virtual Hard Disk Files
> You can now create and manage virtual hard disks files in Windows 7 as if 
> they were real disks. This can allow you to use a live Windows installation 
> on
> the virtual disk without the need to boot the virtual Computer. To create a 
> virtual disk you have to press the Windows Key, right-click on Computer, 
> then
> go to Manage -> Disk Management -> Action -> Create VHD. There you can 
> specify the location and size of your virtual hard disk file.
> To attach the virtual disk file, press the Windows Key, right-click 
> Computer, then go to Manage -> Disk Management -> Action -> Attach VHD and 
> you have
> to specify the location and if it's read only or not.
> To initialize a virtual hard disk, press the Windows Key, right-click on 
> Computer, go to Manage -> Disk Management -> Action -> Attach VHD, specify 
> the
> location, click Ok, then right click on the virtual disk and click on 
> Initialize Disk. Select the partition style you want to use and then 
> right-click
> on the unallocated space and click "New Simple Volume" and follow the 
> instructions wizard. Now, a new hard drive appears in Windows Explorer and 
> you can
> use it as a real partition.
> 61. Remove The Windows Live Messenger Tab In The Taskbar
> To get rid of the Windows Live Messenger Tab and put it back in the system 
> tray, where it belongs, go to C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger, 
> right-click
> msnmsdgr.exe and set its compatibility mode to Windows Vista.
> 62. Lock The Screen
> There is no Lock Screen button in the Start Menu anymore, so you have to 
> press the Windows Key + L to lock it, now. It seems easier, in case you don't 
> forget
> the shortkey.
> 63. Create A Screen Lock Shortcut
> In case you don't like shortkeys or you keep forgetting them, there's 
> another option for screen lock. Simply create a new shortcut to 
> C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
> user32.dll,LockWorkStation and place it whenever you want.
> 64. Enable Run Command In Start Menu
> If you miss the old Run Command button in XP, then there's an option to get 
> it back in Windows 7. Right-click an open area in Start Menu, go to 
> Properties
> -> Start Menu -> Customize and check "Run Command. Now you should be done.
> 65. Improve Desktop Window Manager For Nvidia Graphics
> Sometimes the animations for Desktop Window Manager don't look very well and 
> aren't smooth enough and this is cause because Desktop Window Manager 
> renders
> effects with no transparency and blurring, but you can turn off animations 
> for more pleasant graphics. Press the Windows Key, right-click on Computer,
> go to Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Performance -> Settings and 
> clear "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing". Click OK to finnish.
> 66. Change Default Save Location For Files
> Windows 7 is a bit different from Vista, because it saves Documents, 
> Pictures, Videos and Music under the Public folder inside C:\Users. You 
> might not want
> to save your documents, pictures, videos or music to this location, but 
> create your own locations and you can do it quite easy. Press the Windows 
> Key,
> Click your username and double-click on the folder you wish to change. Then 
> you will see Includes: 2 library locations. Click on that text, right-click
> on the folder you wish to set like default and click "Set as default file 
> location", then click Ok.
> 67. Make 64bit Windows Media Player Default ( only for X64 users )
> Windows comes with the 32bit version of Media Player by default. If you are 
> a x64 user, you can keep the system cleaner by only installing one set of 
> codecs.
> To do this, press the Windows Key, type "command", right-click on Command 
> Prompt and hit "Run as administrator", then type "unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:64". 
> After
> that, press the Windows Key, type "regedit", go to 
> HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\wmplayer.exe\, 
> double click on value and change
> "%ProgramFiles(x86)" to "%ProgramFiles%". Now you should be using the 64bit 
> Windows Media Player.
> 68. Open Multiple Instances Of Windows Explorer Via The Taskbar
> If you want to run more instances of the Windows Explorer just by hitting 
> the startbar, you can do it by following these steps: Unpin Windows Explorer 
> from
> the Taskbar, then press the Windows Key, go to Accessories, right-click 
> Windows Explorer, go to Properties and change the shortcut path to 
> %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe
> /root,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} ( if you want it to default 
> to My Computer ) or %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe 
> /root,::{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}
> ( if you want it to default to Libraries ). Now repin Windows Explorer to 
> your Taskbar and you're done. All that is required for opening more 
> instances
> of it is just a click of the middle mouse button. If you aren't pleased with 
> what you've done, change the shortcut path back to 
> %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe.
> 69. Make The System Tray Clock Show The AM / PM Symbols
> By default Windows 7 does show the time in 24 hour format, so if you want to 
> get the AM / PM symbols, press the Windows Key, type intl.cpl to open 
> Regional
> and Language Options, go to Addition Settings -> Time where Long Time is set 
> to HH:mm and change it to HH:mm tt, for example, where tt is the AM or PM
> symbol ( 21:12 PM ). To change it to the 12 hour format, you need to type it 
> like this hh::mm tt ( 9:12 PM ).
> 70. Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Mode
> If your websites don't render correctly, you might need to enable Internet 
> Explorer 8 display them in compatibility view. This issue is because of the 
> updated
> rendering engine, which causes a lot of trouble. To do it, open Internet 
> Explorer, go to Tools -> Compatibility View Settings and check "Display all 
> websites
> in compatibility view", then click Ok.
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
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Razbijaci Team

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jelena 
  To: slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 1:50 AM
  Subject: [slikom] Win 7 i muke 

  Pozdrav svima !
  Ukratko nov racunar na kojem je Win XP preziveo dva dana i sada je tu Win 7 - 
ne nije moja ideja ..hvala na pitanju .
  Imam naravno problema za izvoz pa ako je neko voljan da pomogne bila bi vise 
nego zahvalna.
  1. Uz malo muke radi mi Win mail . Sve je to za svaku pohvalu al jaws 10 ne 
cita sta je procitano a sta ne i ima li sta atacment .
  Ima li tu leka ?

  Probala i druge stvari za mail ali ili nije islo ili jaws ne radi .
  2. Moze li se u Win 7 podesiti da dijaloski prozori tipa Open i Save lice na 
nesto normalnije ? Ili barem savet kako se lakse sa ovim izboriti .
  3. Gde i kako da poubijam sve sto mi od toolbara i ostalog neidentifikovanog 
u Win 7 ne treba ?
  Za sad nisam otkrila gde , sta i kako ,sem sto mu je podeseno da je  Desktop 
tema ili vec kako se to ovde krsti Win Clasic i sto su iskljucene animacije , 
podeseno da je sve prikazano kao list ili details .

  4. I naravno sta sa Start menijem ? Znam da nema opcija Clasic . nesto sam 
videla da se da podesiti ali ovo mi se bas i ne dopada.

  Isprobala jednu zamenu za Clasic meni ali ta nije u ljubavi sa JAWS-om . 
Probacu jos jednu pa javim ako prezivim .

  5. Znam da ima i 5! :) 
  JAWS mi boluje od cudne boljke . Instalacija prodje sve je u redu ali kada se 
racunar restartuje kuka da mu je Video intercept lose instaliran . Zove se to 
sada  drugacije ali samo reinstalacija pomaze.
  JAWS je 10 a tacan broj verzije zavrsava se na  54
  Ako iko ima ideju sta mi je ciniti ...ili krace help !
  Za uzvrat ako se nekome igra sa Win mail u Win 7 koji je tu negde u njemu 
skriven mogu poslati uputstvo i sve ostalo sto uz to ide.

  Ah, da ima li ko alat za podesavanje Win 7 kao sto je bio za XP al da radi sa 
JAWS-om ? Ono sto sam ja nasla ..mozda bi se i dalo nekako iskoristiti ali sa 
JAWS ne ide  bas dobro .

  U nadi da ce mi neko pomoci barem malcice 

  Saljem vam puno pozdrava 

GIF image

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