[etni] Re: 4 pointers and the PROJECT

  • From: Greif <mgreif@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ETNI <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2012 07:13:12 +0200

Projects come up as a discussion every so often so I would like to share my 
experience on the topic.

I have spent most of my  teaching career working with pupils at a level of 
3 points and 4 points and have
found that what they enjoy most is doing the project (after initial 
complaints, of course...).   They discover that
they can produce something in English by themselves.   At first, I prepared
a kit for the 3 point kids and then I discovered that many of the
4 point students are actually 3+.   So the general idea is to make it as
simple as possible.   It is completely different from the 5 point students.

I prefer to give them a free topic on the assumption that if they are
interested, they will do a better job.   They don't need a research
question.   (For example, 4 points:  Two of my pupils did a comparison 
American Idol and A Star is Born.   One of the things that they did was a
survey of who watches what and how often.  They wrote something general on
each of the programs and they wrote something specific on one of the singers
in each program.   They presented it in class as a powerpoint.   These were
Mabar kids.)   (Another example:  a football player who knew very little
English but lots about football.  He stood in front of the class and with
his 5 words of English spoke with a passion about his wonderful career in
football - Mabar, 3 pts).

As a counselor, I visit many schools and sometimes help the teachers with
the projects.   In the miftanim (schools for drop outs and some juvenile
delinquents with police records...) pupils do wonderful projects on
different topics (mostly 3 points but some do 4 points).  One pupil went to
Poland and decided to do a project on the Holocaust  on concentration camps
(4 points).   Another did a project on Google.  (4 points)  Even the 3
pointers did wonderful projects when working on something they were
interested in.

They do all the writing in class.  They can look for material at home or
type their drafts at home but the writing is done ONLY in class.   No
copy and paste in any of the projects I have seen kids do.

So basically I believe that if you can get the pupils excited about their
project, they will do a wonderful job.

Miriam Greif

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