[etni] hots debate

  • From: "Nathan Singer" <nate1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <etni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 11:55:57 +0300

Counselors for the excellent study days at the end of June.
It was obvious that a lot of time and effort was put in to planning and
implementing them. I would also like to thank Dr. Steiner for

being there and answering our questions as tired as she was.

     I can't say that I'm now more enthusiastic about the HOTS program but
I'm certainly better informed. I feel that (with all due respect) my

questions were "handled" rather than answered especially regarding our very
weak 4 pointers.  For those who were not present, I pointed out to Dr.

that every year we have students who are actually 3 pointers but refuse to
do that exam because "it's not worth anything", their opinion not mine. It
is however

the general feeling in our society mainly because of college requirements.
With lots of hard work, these students manage to scrape a 58 or 60 as their
final 4 point grade.( As in the situation Sara G described)

I told Dr. Steiner that I feel that with the HOTS they will be forced to do
3 points whether they like it or not. For an answer, I was quoted data
regarding the potential benefits of

having weak students do the HOTS. That was not my question. I didn't want to
argue the point or get into a debate as time for questions was short.

The only answer I felt I could work with was that I was promised flexibility
in approving our literature program for our weak students. 

   Another teacher at the assembly from Ramat Hagolan, I believe, spoke
practically in tears, of her weak Ethiopian class and what was to be done
about them??? We have the same problem.

We are under extreme pressure from Aliyat Hanoar to have our Ethiopians do 4
pts. Unfortunately, they have a very hard time comprehending the contents of
any standard unseen and now they

are going to do literary tasks??? Right.

   Aviva, your confusion may arise from the fact that one schools' weak
pupils may be another schools' strong pupils. You say that you had great
success with your weak pupils. I have no doubt.

Those same students, however, may be considered strong at Sara's school or
Esther's school or my school. You need to understand that our weak students
are not just weak in English or in academics in general,

they are weak intellectually. Is Hots forcing them to fail? Maybe not, but
the material will have to be so watered down and spoon fed that it totally
defeats the purpose.

   Dr. Steiner asked me on the first study day: "Aren't you tired of doing
the same unseens over and over and over again?"  I said Yes! In the same
breathe, the program must be redesigned to accommodate the weak

students, otherwise it's all for not.

   Adele, please do not be offended by our colleagues. I for one, value your
input so please do not "keep quiet". I don't think that will  make anyone



For those who are fasting, Tzom Kal!

 For everyone- have a great summer!


Nathan Singer


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