[projectaon] Re: weird 02fotw erratum

  • From: Simon Osborne <outspaced@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:28:19 +0100

On 26/04/2009 11:42, Ingo Kloecker wrote:
Not sure. In 03tcok, section 26 we have

"The Ice Barbarians also have curious Bracelets attached to their left

I checked a few other occurrences of "wrists". It seems "wrists" almost
always refers to the two wrists of one or more persons.

For example in 21votm, section 31:
"These poor wretches wear heavy iron manacles which encase their wrists
and ankles. Standing behind them are eight hard-faced guards, each with
a loop of knotted rope that dangles menacingly from their wrists."

I'm not 100% sure, but I think it is the use of the word 'each' which makes the 

"Each [singular] has a chain on his [singular] left wrist [singular]."

"The Barbarians [plural] have bracelets [plural] on their [contextually plural] left wrist [singular]" reads very strangely to me--though that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong, of course!

"their left wrists" sound strange to my (German) ears. In German we'd
say "their left/right wrist" if we talk about one wrist of several
persons and we'd say "their wrists" if we talk about both wrists of
several persons.

Out of context it probably does sound strange; but in context it seems to be better grammatically. Another escalation! :-)

Simon Osborne
Project Aon

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