[slikom] Re: Dvije zvucne karte

  • From: "Bratimir Joksimovic" <apolo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 16:52:06 +0100

Zdravo svima,

Ja nisam koristio ovu mogucnost koju je Gradimir naveo, jer nisam ni znao za
tu caku, a cini se da moze biti zgodnija od nacina koji sam ja koristio.

Ja sam jednostavno u Control panelu u okviru Sound and Multimedia/Audio
odabrao integrisanu karticu sSound Max da bude Preferencialna i onda je JAWS
automatski isao preko nje, dok sam u svim programma za muziku, npr. u
Winampu, u Sonaru, u Sound Forgeu podesio da
rade preko druge, kvalitetnije audio kartice. Prednost onoga sto nudi
Freedom Scientific kao resenje moze biti u tome da se preko jfw.ini fajla
definise koju karticu koristi JAWS, a da onda kao preferencijalnu postavimo
onu kvalitetiju tako da ne moramo da mislimo da li ce bilo koja muzika i
bilo kada ici preko kvalitetnije audio kartice, jer ima i takvih muzickih
programa u kojima se ne moze odabrati audio kartica preko koje ce se
desavati muzika. Ja recimo nisam mogao da pronadem u Winodws Media Playeru
opciju da se moze odabrati audio kartica. Ako takva mogucnost postoji i u WM
plejeru, molim da se da upucivanje ge je to podesavanje.

rade pre
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gradimir Kragic" <bastono@xxxxxxxxx>
To: ""SliKom"" <slikom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:51 PM
Subject: [slikom] Dvije zvucne karte

>      Zdravo,
> Sad vec postaje problem da se u prvom redu poruke upise pozdrav sa imenom
jer je
> na listi dosta istih imena. Kao primjer navodim da su tu cetvorica Nikola,
> Igora i slicno. Pa tako ja odgovaram Marku Mirkovicu u vezi pitanja o
> zvucne karte i razdvajanja sinteza.
> Ovo je tekst preuzet sa Freedom scientific sajta i kao sto se vidi
prilicno je
> star. Pojavio se uz jaws 4.51 pa nisam siguran da li je ova ftp adresa
dobra za
> download ovog fajla.
> Tekst je na Engleskom jeziku ali je ovo razumljivo pa se nadam da ces
> ovo sto ti treba.
> Gradimir
> Details of Selected Bulletin
> Bulletin Type: FAQ
> Date Posted: 04/04/2003
> Product Name: JAWS
> Version: 4.51
> Category: Synthesizer
> Question:
> I have two sound cards on my computer. How do I make sure JAWS uses the
> I want?
> Answer:
> Many JAWS users who also use music or audio production software want JAWS
> and Eloquence to speak through one sound card, while using the other for
> their production work. To do this, you need to edit a file called JFW.ini
> and install the updated Eloquence Speech driver in the accompanying zip
> file.
> Editing the jfw.ini file:
> 1. Using My Computer or Windows Explorer, browse your hard drive to the
> currently running version of JAWS and find the jfw.ini file in that
> 2. Press ENTER to open.
> 3. You should find some lines that read:
> Synth1Name=eloq
> Synth1LongName=Eloquence for JAWS
> Synth1Driver=eloq
> The number doesn't matter, it may be 1, 2, or 3, but it must be the same
> all entries for Eloquence.
> 4. Add the following line after the driver line: Synth1Port=SB Live! Wave
> Device Of course, you need to make sure that the synth number matches the
> other lines, so that if the Driver line read:
> Sytn3Driver=eloq
> Then the port line would read:
> Synth3Port=SB Live! Wave Device
> The text after the = sign in the Port line comes from Control Panel/Sound
> Multimedia/Audio tab It must be one of the entries that can be chosen for
> Preferred Playback device.
> 5. Save your changes and exit Notepad.
> Now you must install the updated driver.As long as JAWS is running and
> speaking through Eloquence, eloq.jls cannot be simply overwritten when
> unzipping the file. You will need to switch to NoSpeech or MS SAPI to get
> the eloq.jls to overwrite properly.
> 1. Download the file from
> ftp://ftp.freedomscientific.com/users/hj/private/eloq.zip
> 2. Unzip the zip file into the root of the active JAWS directory where you
> made the change to the jfw.ini file.
> 3. Restart JAWS and it should now be speaking from the sound card you
> wanted.
> 4. If not, make sure the entries are correct in the jfw.ini file and that
> your sound card is indeed installed correctly. Most audio and music
> production software allows you to select a sound device for it as well, so
> it can use one sound card while JAWS uses another.
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