[projectaon] Re: Minor Edits (Books 8-12)

  • From: Simon Osborne <outspaced@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 15:48:56 +0100

OToole L wrote:

(er) 01fftd 349: magician's guild -> Magicians Guild [so: maybe?]

magician's guild -> Magicians' Guild (perhaps?) i.e. The Guild belonging to several Magicians.

I did consider that, but we would write "gents toilets", for example, not "gents' ". I think the guild may be being spoken of pluralised rather than in the possessive; but that's up to Jon to decide, ultimately. ;-)

(er) 08tjoh equipmnt: arrow -> arrow [so: x7]

I don't see the change here...

Ned: Well, sir, that was the loudest obscenity I've ever heard.

B-oth-er. >:(

Still, you know what I mean. ;-)

(er) 09tcof equipmnt: arrow -> arrow [so: x7]
(er) 10tdot equipmnt: arrow -> arrow [so: x7]
(er) 11tpot equipmnt: arrow -> arrow [so: x7]
(er) 12tmod equipmnt: arrow -> arrow [so: x7]

...and someone's guilty of using copy/paste. :-)

I wasn't going to do it any other way. :-p

I'm surprised, really, that there weren't more mistakes like that--heh heh!

Simon Osborne

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